Welcome to our website.
We look forward to working with you and to assist you in your production needs. Your welcome to contact us regarding any of your questions or queries directly. We will do our best to supply you with the best answer and quotation possible.
Proximity SSL is based in both Ocean Ridge, Florida, USA and our International branch in Cape Town, South Africa.
The Music business and Entertainment Industry are consistently growing. Our goal is to provide a Easy, Effective and Affordable service to Clients, People, Businesses and Organizations by assisting them in achieving their goals.
Ocean Ridge, Florida, USA
Oloff H. Du Plessis
Owner & Managing Director
Phone: +1 561 654 5891
E-Mail: oloffduplessis@proximityssl.com
E-Mail: info@proximityssl.com
E-Mail: proximitysslusa@gmail.com
Cape Town, South Africa
Juan J. Du Plessis
Managing Director
Phone: +27 82 535 1970
Phone: +27 83 440 8845
E-Mail: proximityproductions@gmail.com